Monday, September 26, 2011

VOICE of the CITY! Live with Lauren Angelli, followed by Cherry Sparks and Sympetalous.

"As a songwriting musician, Lauren Agnelli has explored many styles of American popular music throughout her wide-ranging career, writing and co-writing hundreds of songs, recording dozens of cds. In 2010, Lauren writes and performs with the Small Town Concert Series that she co-founded with her husband, Matthew Male, in 2007. She also performs solo, with co-writer Dave Rave, and with Amalgamated Muck. She’s been part of CBGB’s punk posters out of CBGB’s, Nervus Rex ; a co-founder of Grammy-nominated Washington Squares; an acoustic folkrocker with the half-Canadian Agnelli & Rave with Dave "Rave" DesRoches." Lauren Agnelli Blog 

For more about Lauren visit her officail website: Lauren Agnelli

Cherry Sparks, the heart of J-Cherry and the Strawberries. The talented Mr. Sparks is a musical and lyrical man, and Ms. Cherry is a soulful lyricist and mouth harp player.
Cherry Sparks

Poet Sympetalous, the man of poetic words and verse... 
Sympetalous, photo by Bumpy Chimes
WESU 88.1FM Middletown 

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